Leave nothing.
Except a future worth living.

We bear responsibility for the world in which we live. To ensure that future generations can live in dignity and prosperity, we must protect our planet today. And that means not only rethinking our actions, but also taking new actions.
That is why we align our thoughts and actions with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Because it is our mission to leave nothing for future generations. Except a future worth living.

plastic waste.

Plastic waste – one of the most pressing environmental problems of our time. Not only because it destroys ecosystems worldwide that are the basis for life on earth. But also because it enters the food chain of humans and animals by decomposing into microplastics.

Since 90% of plastic waste is not recycled and recycling rates are stagnating, plastic avoidance, for example by replacing petroleum-based packaging, is the top priority.

Sustainable production & consumption.

Many natural resources , such as oil, are only available to us in limited quantities.

In order to be able to continue to live well and to make this possible for future generations, we need to change not only consumption patterns but also, and above all, production processes. Alternatives to the energy-intensive production of petroleum-based materials are therefore urgently needed.


It is particularly important that the use of natural resources is sustainable. This means:

No land competition with food production. And smart use of residual materials that can no longer be used elsewhere.

By using residual materials from food production, we can utilise existing raw material cycles and protect valuable resources. At the same time, Corn Pack products are 100% biodegradable - even in your local organic waste.

water waste.

There is enough fresh water on the planet to make clean water accessible to all. However, this requires a sustainable improvement in water management.

Our contribution to this:

Through the use of existing raw material cycles, there is a potential for the production of Corn Pack to not require additional water. In any case, the production of Corn Pack consumes up to 100% less water compared to the production of Styrofoam.

Using clean energy.

Only about 48 % of the electricity consumed in Germany today comes from renewable sources.

We are already using 100% green power, reducing the energy requirement by up to 90% compared to the production of expanded plastics.